Saturday 23 April 2011

Canoeing bottom part of the Ste-Anne River

Ste-Anne river ends in the St-Lawrence river on its north shore between Trois-Rivieres and Quebec city. The village were the St-Anne river ends is called Ste-Anne de la Pérade. In winter ice fishing in heated cabins allow to fish Poulamon which is a small cod. Apparently one billion Poulamon comes in the river from the St-Lawrence every winter. Poulamon are found only in the Ste-Anne river which is bizarre since there are like maybe 20-30 different rivers ending in the St-Lawrence that they could have choose.

Ste-Anne de la Perade has a totally disproportionate basilica considering the size of the village. Someone can land its canoe after crossing the bridge over the St-Anne river that leads to the village. Turn right after the bridge and go park to the information center. We went upstream that day. Downstream will lead you to the end of the river and into the St-Lawrence river (cant be a river, its so dawn large !!!!).

Above: canoe landing spot is circled. Colored code map is from canoeing association Fédération Québecoise de Canot-Camping.

Such a big church for such a small place is kind of unreal. This is not exceptional in Quebec small town. It is actually pretty common.

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