Friday 22 April 2011

Canoeing in Quinte Isle on lake Ontario

View on the entrance of the marina in a small town.

OK lets go try these waves. 

This is too much fun. With an open canoe I have the feeling I wont stay dry for long.

Braking waves since they mixes with air make the canoe less floatable. Therefore when they brake in front of you water gets in since you dont float high enough. Another braking wave and thats it for my ride. 

Ok I surrender. Time to get back to the beach to unload the water.

Salmon Point. Sandbanks beach is the fine beige line on the picture.

Salmon Point at sunset.

Salmon point lighthouse. Lighthouses are all over the place on the great lakes. The great lakes resembles sometime the open ocean and are used by cargos so lighthouses are needed. Still the great lakes are historically infamous for being boat eaters.

Too much canoeing in the last 2-3 days. Need a nap in the shade.

View from Traverse point.

Canoeing at Traverse Point.

PEC is very agricultural. This a representative farm in PEC. PEC has also several vineyards that people can visit.

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