Monday 25 April 2011

canoeing Bruce peninsula on Lake Huron

Pictures here are only from 3 days exploratory trip done last summer. It appears for me from that trip that Bruce peninsula has great potential. But it can be potentially very dangerous. I would not encourage anyone with limited experience to explore that area with a canoe. Winds can be very deceptive since there are so many coves and bays that gives a false impression of security. Wind could potentially make someone drift in the open and make someone end up who knows were. But canoeing in waves can be a lot of fun if someone is wise. My philosophy is to always paddle counter wind and use either the western or eastern coast of Bruce peninsula according to wind direction. If wind blows west use west coast if wind blows east use east cost. In that case the wind will make you drift if you cant paddle anymore toward the coast your at. Next summer we plan to go for 10-14 days and for sure the next season pictures will be far more spectacular.

Landed canoe at Dunks Bay near Tobermory. Apparently sea kayak can cross to the islands on the pictures. I have red that coast guard there suggest kayakers bring for 3 days food supply in case they are stuck on the islands because of too strong winds. There is no way someone is going to convince me to go to these islands. I respect too  much mother nature. We will stick to the coast. Coast at Bruce is great, why bother crossing.

Landed canoe at Little Cove near Tobermory. Followed the coast on the east side of the cove. Spots for resting not always there when you need them. Keep them in mind when you see them as you go along the coast so that you can go back if necessary. This was the only spot on the whole section seen on the picture. The waves braking where we were almost carried away our canoe as it was sitting further down on the picture.

We canoed the coast half way up as shown in picture and then came back were our canoe sits. The original goal was to go to the point at the end of the cove. Wind (what wind would someone say) was strong enough that we were not sure we could come back inside the cove. This was typical deceptive Bruce peninsula wind. Seems ok from our resting spot but toward the point it was pretty scary.
More next summer.

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