Saturday 23 April 2011

Canoeing the mighty St-Lawrence river at Cap-Santé

The St-Lawrence river is one the biggest river in the world and one of the most dangerous for cargo boats. International cargo entering the river from the sea are asked to give the steering wheel to the localy trained pilot. The dangers are shallow waters, high tides, deceptive currents, high wind and waves. Tides can be observed as much upstream the St-Lawrence river as to the city of Trois-Rivière.

Cap-Santé is on the north shore of the St-Lawrence river around 50 km upstream Quebec city. Canoe landing is possible from Cap-Santé municipal quay.

Above: canoeing landing spot is circled. Colored code map is from canoeing association Fédération Québecoise de Canot-Camping.

View from the quay. Car came down from where the church is.

Cool I love trains. There is a rail track along the north shore of the St-Lawrence river.

The rail track was made possible thanks to dynamite.

Dynamite signatures.

Cargo on the St-Lawrence river at high tide.

St-Lawrence river at low tide. Not the lowest yet. 

Are these two cargo going to collide? Of course not. That day at 17:00 pm was high tide and high wind. Still went canoeing with extreme prudence. We followed the shore and went counter wind. Still this river is very unpredictable and wind suddenly changed direction. We could not paddle to get and we need to portage on the shore. First time of my canoe life I was forced to portage on a shore.

View of the shore we portaged on. View is from the quay on quieter day.

The nice bleu house beside Cap-Santé quay.

View of Cap-Santé church and municipal quay from the St-Lawrence river.

Cargo in sight. View from canoe.

Stream ending its course in the St-Lawrence river 1-2 km upstream the quay.

Going counter wind (always) for a safe come back.

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