Sunday 24 April 2011

Canoeing in Mont-Tremblant park Pimbina section

Mont-Tremblant park has 3 sections with 3 entrances. Pimbina  section is less crowdy than Diable section (near the ski resort). Pimbina entrance is north of St-Donat which is 1:15 hr drive north of Montreal. Canoeing the Forbes lake (ancient name for this lake) is prototypical of honest size Laurentian lakes. Forbes is the largest lake north of the Pimbina gate. Dirt roads in the park are normally well maintained and the dirt road starting at Pimbina gate allow someone to connect to St-Michel des Saints more north where the Mattawin river ends in Taureau reservoir. Mattawin river as several nice spots for R1 R2 upstream when you get to the river from the dirt road. Saint-Michel des Saints area can get crowdy with speed boats on the reservoir in the summer.

The Pimbina creek and fall near the gate. Pimbina is an indian name for a red berry shrew that grows well there. Also the area around the fall is full of wild roses.

Prototypical Laurentian landscape. Cant be more textbook than this. Almost every lakes are connected by creek and small rivers in the Laurentian mountains so someone adventurous could easily plan a little canoe trip that would give someone the impression to be a pioneer discovering a new land. All you need is a topographic map of the area to see what is connected to what. For topographic maps of Quebec go to Les Quatres Points Cardinaux in Montreal corner of Ontario and St-Hubert streets.

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